
#034: Inclusive Advocacy – Elevating Diverse Voices in Patient Engagement for MS Patients. Interview with Trishna Bharadia

Today I am speaking with Trishna Bharadia, who is a very active patient engagement consultant and works with a variety of companies and patient organizations to ensure that all patients with multiple sclerosis are included in the planning and implementation of campaigns, services and dialogue with various stakeholders. She shares her knowledge, some representative examples of well implemented patient focus and tips on how to become active yourself and where to get the right training.

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Table of Contents

Introduction – Who is Trishna Bharadia?

Trishna Bharadia is a Multi-award-winning Patient Engagement Consultant, a Health Advocate, Speaker, a Writer and a Content Creator and lives in Maidenhead in the United Kingdom.

Question to Trishna Bharadia

I asked Trishna Bharadia the following questions. Please listen to the interview to find out her answers.

  1. Define Patient Engagement in MS
    1. As a patient advocate, how do you define patient engagement, and why is it crucial in the context of multiple sclerosis (MS) care and research?
    2. What are some challenges that MS patients might face when trying to engage in their healthcare journey, and how can these be overcome?
    3. How do you encourage collaboration and dialogue between MS patients, healthcare providers, and researchers?
  2. Empowering MS Patients Through Engagement
    1. In what ways can MS patients actively participate in their own care and decision-making process?
    2. Can you provide insights into the impact of patient engagement on clinical trials and research studies related to MS?
  1. Advocacy and Support for MS Patient Engagement
    1. How do you advocate for improved access to information and education for MS patients to make informed decisions about their care?
    2. How do you approach patient engagement to ensure inclusivity and representation of diverse voices within the MS community?
    3. How can patient advocates foster meaningful partnerships with healthcare professionals and researchers in the MS field?
    4. What are your thoughts on peer support networks and their role in empowering MS patients to become more engaged in their health?
  1. Impact and Future of Patient Engagement in MS
    1. Can you share some examples of successful patient engagement initiatives that have had a positive impact on MS patients‘ lives?
    2. What are the potential benefits of involving caregivers and family members in patient engagement initiatives for MS patients?
    3. What do you see as the future of patient engagement in the MS field, and what areas still need further improvement?
    4. Lastly, what message or advice would you like to give to MS patients who are interested in getting involved in patient engagement and advocacy efforts?

List of the mentioned websites in regards to patient engagement

Trishna Bharadia mentions some platforms where you can learn how to become a patient advocate yourself, as well as some very good patient-centered initiatives. You can find them all here:

How and where can interested people find you online?

Many thanks to Trishna Bharadia for the very informative interview and for showing us that it is worthwhile working for yourself, but also for a larger group of patients. I wish Trishna continued energy and of course all the best for her own journey with MS. It’s really great what she has already achieved and how she is contributing to a more inclusive society.

See you soon and try to make the best out of your life,

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